A Few Words About Handwriting

Is handwriting fading away? Not for us! We love that special moment when the nib touches the paper and the intention behind the first letter. In addition to the exceptional writing experience, writing things by hand has much more to offer. What exactly? Read on.

Handwriting is an inseparable part of our identity. It is difficult to replicate – like a fingerprint, it can reveal a lot about its author.


Starting a new notebook can be a real celebration! This significant moment makes you stop and think for a while. It is the moment when you and your notebook start to establish mutual understanding.

The paper colour and texture, the rustling of pages turning, the feel of your favourite pen – with these subtle details, handwriting can be a real treat for your senses. Celebrate it!


Handwritten notes can give you a lot of interesting meta-information: the size of the letters, is the writing neat, or done in a hurry, on a lap, or contains strikeouts... These peculiar details write a whole new story.

Handwriting or drawing on paper makes us creators rather than content consumers. Sometimes this is what your mind really needs.


Handwritten sketches on a piece of paper are essential in the creative process – they quickly validate an idea and promptly encourage different perspectives. We experienced the magic of the hand-pen-head interaction on many occasions.

Over time, our notes can become precious keepsakes. We collect handwritten letters, while annotations in the margins add a personal touch to books. And who wouldn't want to see their great-grandmother's school notebooks?


Writing by hand aids memory. Using pen and paper turns on parts of the brain involved in language production, visualisation, memory, and information processing. Details, such as the paper texture, ink colour, or folded corner help boost how well we remember new information.


The visual value of handwritten notes is also important. You can fill the space on a page to your liking, group pieces of information, highlight the most important ones, link them together, add annotations. All these can be difficult to achieve even in the best word editor. 

Keeping a journal have benefits for mental health. It can help manage your emotions, notice patterns of actions, and appreciate changes occurring within yourself. This makes it easier to overcome difficulties, even those that have not yet been named.


What good things did you experience today? By putting down your answers on paper each evening, you will train your mind to notice and turn your attention towards the positive sides of day-to-day life. Regular training of this sense will make you feel the healing vibes!

Text: Lena Pilarczyk, Magdalena Konik-Machulska. The first publication took place in Papierniczeni brand's original calendars for 2024.

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