Notebooks for your hobby

Is your notebook trying to find its purpose? Excellent – dive into the third part of our ideas on how to use collected notebooks. Previously, we talked about notebooks that promote self-care. Today, we'll discuss notebooks that help develop your passions and hobbies.

Recipe Book

The worst thing about being an adult is that you constantly have to wonder what to cook for dinner. If you too struggle with this eternal quandary, try to cope with it by creating a notebook with your favourite recipes. Whether you're a world-recognized chef or don't know a thing about cooking, you'll keep all the recipes in a recipe book to make your adult life easier.

Travel Sketchbook

Your best moments to take home from holidays <3 Cute drawings of food and meals, sketches of visited places or illustrated play with mosaics inspired by wall tiles found on a tenement house in Valencia. You can choose to include a description, add captions, magic words, quotes or mount all those little things you gathered during your journeys. You don't have to visit another country at all to create your Travel Sketchbook. Who knows what can happen on your way to grocery store?

Notebook with Cultural Nature

Space for writing down anything that inspires you or what you love most in the arts. It can include memories from exhibitions, concerts, movie premieres or performances, but also reviews of cultural events that impressed you and everything you want to remember and experience again when reading your notes years later.

Plant Lover Notebook

As a plant lover, you care about the happiness and long life of your green companions. This journal will be ideal to jot down the details of specific plant species and methods of growing them – how and when to water and fertilize your plants, where to find the best spot for them, or which should be protected from cats and the other way… which can pose threat to your cats. So, it’s time to find a place to write down this secret knowledge!

Book Journal

If addictive book reading is your superpower, start a journal to put your literary adventures on paper. Create a list of books you have read and those still waiting for their turn. Share your feelings, and if you prefer to cut a long story short, create keywords to best describe each book. The Book Journal can help you learn more about your reading preferences and make more informed choices when creating a list of must-read books, resulting in fewer disappointments along the way. This notebook will also be a great companion for all enthusiasts of movies, TV series or music.  

Commonplace Book

Or in other words: your mind's private assistant. It's the kind of notebook where you collect the most important information on one or more topics. Maybe you are an expert in a field that requires you to regularly improve your skills and stay on top all the time? Or maybe a variety of your interests already started building colonies in your brain and seem to be out of control? Keeping this notebook in analogue form will force you to be very selective and note only the most relevant and valuable information. And when you don’t have to remember everything, your mind will be able to unwind.

Author: Lena Pilarczyk
Images: @la_glina

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